Found Animals

The purpose of this page is strictly made to help reunite owners with their missing pets. Any pet listed on this page is NOT available for adoption. We cannot release any info on said pets or answer any questions about them. If you are interested in any pets listed below please watch our “Available” pages for them to be listed there.

Be sure to look on and post your missing/found pets on all social media platforms, nextdoor, craigslist. Especially these facebook group pages!

Found your pet that you are missing? Great! Please contact us at 385-4444 during operating hours so we can assist you with reclaiming your pet. Below you will find the information link to the reclaim fees. Please do not let the reclaim fee prevent you from coming to the shelter to reclaim your pet. We offer a billing/payment plan option, and you may be eligible for a waived reclaim fee.

Chapter 5 - ANIMALS AND FOWL | Code of Ordinances | Virginia Beach, VA | Municode Library

“The bureau of animal control is hereby authorized to charge a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) for the first twenty-four-hour period an animal is impounded and fifteen dollars ($15.00) per day for each additional day or part thereof for the care of any animal impounded for any reason. Impoundment fees may be waived if the animal is reclaimed within the first twenty-four-hour period and it is the first time the animal has been impounded within a twelve-month period. An additional fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be charged if it is the second time such animal has been impounded within a twelve-month period. For third and subsequent impoundments within a twelve-month period there shall be an additional fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00).”

Found a Pet? Step-by-Step Guide for Finders (pdf)